Thursday, November 3, 2011


this book , "THE DEATH AND LIFE OF CHARLIE ST. CLOUD" by Ben Sherwood is a very fascinating book . it i also very lovely . a perfect book for the whole family.This book starts off by telling you a bit about Charlie and his life and his family. he has a pretty good life and always had that goal of going to an island wshen he got older. one day he got in an accidernt and died. his older brother whom loved him so very much would always go visit him at the funeral and he somehow felt that charlie was still there. he would go every single day just to keep him company. people started thinking he was crazy but for some reason he wasnt. since charlie always had that goal to go to an island, his brother took him on a boat/. people were trying to stop him because they knew he was dead but charlie wasnt dead to him . the book ends off pretty lovely. i recomend you this book because it is great.

1 comment:

  1. wow you actually saw this movie haha im surprized :D
